Transport & Logistics
Hong Kong to scrap pre-Euro IV diesel commercial vehicles
Part of the fight to contain air-pollution.
Hong Kong mulls over taxi fare hike
$2 hike in flagfall charge endorsed.
New bus fuel could save hundreds of lives in Hong Kong
That’s because it will pollute less.
MTR modernizing rapid transit signaling system
Will open bids in January 2014 for replacement of existing signaling systems.
MTR Corp's earnings hit 14.1% to HKD7.3b
Here's why analyst is quite impressed.
Government to shell out $2.5b in Fanling Highway widening project
Contract awarded to China State Construction Engineering.
Toll hikes postponed
Expect new tolls at the Western Harbour Crossing and Route 3.
Tuen Mun Road Bus-Bus Interchange to open on 27 July
9 short-haul routes will stop at interchange.
Next PVRM auction will be on August 3
A total of 242 approved PVRMs will be auctioned.
How Hong Kong travelers can prevent flight-related back pain
Traditionally, the summer months are the busiest for travel in Hong Kong.
Sales of Tesla electric cars surge in HK
Doubles the number of electric cars in the city.
New HKSTS journal to be published by Elsevier
Journal will report on the impact of transportation on society.
Hong Kong firm will build new Panama Canal in Nicaragua
"Nicaragua Canal" will be completed in six years.
10-cent MTR surcharge to be lifted by 2014
MTR received $1.063b in surcharge collection.
Ambulance scheme amended
Check out this new approach.
Applications for transport subsidy unveiled
Forms are available at over 70 outlets.