Demonstrations outside HIT premises continue
Management's legal counsel takes further action.
In a release, Hutchison Port Holdings Management said that there has been further development with regard to the demonstrations at Hongkong International Terminals Limited, its subsidiary.
HIT, the operator of Terminal 8 East at Kwai Tsing, Hong Kong, owned as to 50% by HPH Trust has obtained an interim injunction from the High Court of Hong Kong in the evening of 1 April 2013 and demonstrators have since vacated HIT's terminal premises in an orderly manner.
To that effect, Hutchison Port Holdings Management Pte. Limited, as the trustee-manager of HPH Trust, is now able to work towards bringing HIT's terminal operations back to normal.
Nevertheless, demonstrations are continuing outside of HIT’s terminal premises and the Trustee-Manager is continuing to work towards resolving the industrial actions with the parties involved.
HIT, CHT and their legal counsel will also be returning to the HKHC this Friday 5 April 2013 for an order to maintain the granted injunction.
The Trustee-Manager continues to believe that the current event does not have a material adverse impact on the performance of HPH Trust and will continue to provide updates of a material nature to unitholders of HPH Trust as and when appropriate.