Chinese medicine containing excessive lead recalled
The Department of Health ordered Chaisentomg Pharmaceutical Factory Limited to recall its Chaisentomg Baby's Kam Chik San Powder.
The product has been found to contain excessive lead.
A surveillance sample from the product obtained by DH pharmaceutical inspectors from the market was found by the Government Laboratory to contain about 1.2 times the permitted limit of lead.
The drug is known to be used in children and adults for improving appetite. A DH spokesman explained that prolonged exposure to excessive lead could cause anaemia and damage to human organs including joints, the brain and kidneys.
The DH has instructed the company to recall all batches of the product from the market. Investigation continues.
"Here, contravention of section 54 of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap 132, Laws of Hong Kong, selling a drug intended for use by man but unfit for that purpose might have occurred. The maximum penalty involved is $50,000 and six months' imprisonment. On completion of the investigation, we will work with the Department of Justice regarding possible prosecution," the spokesman said.