S&P Global Ratings
S&P Global Ratings is an American credit rating agency. It is considered the largest of the Big Three credit-rating agencies, which also include Moody's Investors Service and Fitch Ratings. It publishes financial research and analysis on stocks, bonds, and commodities.
HK’s economic growth to moderate to 2.5% in 2024: S&P Global
The per capita real GDP is forecasted to rise by 2.2% annually during 2025 to 2027.
HK’s economic growth to moderate to 2.5% in 2024: S&P Global
The per capita real GDP is forecasted to rise by 2.2% annually during 2025 to 2027.
Home prices expected to decline in 2024: report
The city's property sector is also expected to face a gradual tightening of funding until prices stabilize in 2025.
Hong Kong's office landlords resilient amidst tough market conditions: report
S&P believes office landlords will still have relatively low gearing even if fair value drops by another 30%.
Hong Kong life insurance market to improve in two years: S&P
The life segment is predicted to jump by 20% o 25% in 2023.
Residential property prices to rebound by 5%-8% in 2023
S&P Global cited China’s reopening as one of the reasons for its revival.
Banks’ credit losses to revert to pre-COVID levels ahead of end-2022
It will likely decline faster, in light of the anticipated strong economic growth in the city.
Online brokerage Futu secures “BBB” S&P rating
It is the first online brokerage in Asia Pacific to obtain an international rating.